Lets Make Games Together

GGJ is Back.
To Rwanda for 2024.

We are Happy to Welcome you all, For This year's Global Game Jam,
Gamers, Creators, Developers and Game enthusiasts or anyone who love games!! It is one of our Community's engaging game making events

Support local
African Game making event at GGJ-2024 kgl

Become the exclusive title sponsor and enjoy premier visibility and branding. We also offer gold, silver, and bronze sponsorships, as well as in-kind sponsorship opportunities.

―NCG E-Sports LAN Party

Be Rewarded
for your victories

From our NCG E-Sports All of you gamers in Kigali are invited to duke it out in our post -Jam Games mixer 1st 2k24 LAN Party to reward you for your battles. Be engaged and supported! Play your favorite games

―Get into The Game, press play

Crash Courses
And Mentorships

Game Development crash courses, masterclasses during the prep week.. THis is your chance to get a glimpse of actual game Development in a community driven environment delivered be industry experts

Don't miss out on the gaming scene

Upcoming Events

Keep Designing

Take Part in OUR
Exciting Game Jam Events

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I have come to retrieve my power, you cant handle it


Battles come and go, I am eternal


A hero need not speak, When he is gone, the world will speak for him


Wake the f**k up Samurai, We have city to burn.

GGJ 2K24 Prep Week Day 2 Replay #

of the PREP Week, Theme Reveal

Handcrafted by and for Gamers © 2023  •  Digital Realm Entertainment® Inc. All rights reserved | All related content, characters, names and materials that could be part of an existing work, are the exclusive property Digital Realm Entertainment, its subsidiaries, partners, and of their authors.